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Durable Asphalt Repair Services in Northern New Jersey

You don’t need to be an expert to know that a smooth and well-maintained asphalt surface is essential to your property’s curb appeal and safety. However, over time, extreme heat, moisture, and general wear and tear can cause your driveway or parking lot to begin to deteriorate. Seal Tech provides asphalt repair services throughout all of Northern New Jersey, including Morris, Essex, Bergen, Passaic, and Sussex Counties. We have the crew, materials, and equipment to take on even the most significant asphalt repair projects. Contact us today for your free project estimate.

asphalt repair

What Are the Signs I Need Asphalt Repair?

Are the issues with your asphalt cosmetic or hazardous? Knowing the difference can help ensure your parking lot or driveway is safe for use while improving your home’s curb appeal. Property owners should visually inspect their driveway every year after springtime to assess any issues. Common problems that require repair include potholes, cracks, standing water, and plant growth. If you notice any of these problems, it’s essential to contact a skilled asphalt specialist for repairs.

Learn About Our Asphalt Repair Process

Since 2012, home and business owners throughout the community have trusted us for high-quality asphalt repair services. We take the time to assess the issues and recommend the appropriate steps to ensure a long-lasting repair. Our comprehensive repair process includes the following:


Our first step is to assess the condition of your asphalt surface to identify the extent and cause of damage.

Site Preparation

We prepare the site by cleaning debris and vegetation and removing sections of asphalt that need to be repaired.


The damaged asphalt will be removed, new material will be poured, and then properly compressed and smoothed.

Get a Free Project Estimate