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Professional Line Striping in Northern New Jersey

A well-maintained parking lot with vibrant line striping signifies a commitment to customer safety and pride in your business’s appearance. Seal Tech offers line striping services in Northern New Jersey. Whether you’re a commercial business owner, property management company, or municipality, you can rely on us to deliver exceptional services. Learn more about our line striping services and the benefits of professional solutions, and then contact our team for a free project estimate.

striped parking lot

More Than Just Parking Lot Line Striping

We offer line striping for various industries and property types, including healthcare facilities, municipal buildings, shopping plazas, and more. However, as your local line striping expert, you can count on us for a wide range of services. Our team has completed hundreds of line striping projects and specializes in the following services:

  • Parking Lot Lines
  • Lane Dividers
  • Handicapped Spaces
  • Pavement Stencils
  • Warehouse Floor Striping and Staging

Enhance Your Asphalt Surfaces With Line Striping

At Seal Tech, we utilize professional equipment and materials to ensure your lines are crisp and long-lasting. Whether you need touch-ups on faded lines or entirely new ones after sealcoating, we can handle nearly any line striping project. Before we begin, we ensure the surface is clean by sweeping the asphalt, if necessary, to ensure the paint adheres to the surface. Next, we begin the application process using industry-standard equipment and paints. Once dried, your parking lot or other asphalt surface is safe for use.

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